Summer: A Double-Edged Sword of Freedom and Stress for Families

Kids, adults and families alike typically all look forward to summer; to warm weather, vacations, no school. On the flipside, warm weather can look a lot like being cooped up and bored indoors to soak up AC, the stress of planning a vacation (and traveling), and the lack of a routine and structure that freedom from school or work means.

Summer should be relaxing and enjoyable for everyone, so we will discuss how to navigate the aforementioned stressors, and tips to help you get the most of your summer break and make it a positive experience for the whole family. Stress should not ruin your family's summer. If you’re looking at summer with a little side eye and sunglasses that aren’t rose colored, keep reading for tips to have a fun, exciting and relaxing summertime.

The Double Edged Sword

An uneventful or unplanned summer can quickly turn into a hot mess for kids and parents alike. No school is cool until the kids get bored and you need to keep working. Freedom for kids can mean more stress for parents to keep them occupied, entertained and safe. One study illustrates that people have inherently higher levels of stress hormones during the summer months as opposed to winter. This is why managing stress and taking advantage of a break during this time of year is especially important for maintaining self-care and mental health.

Though summer plans can cause us stress, a vacation is supposed to be good for our mental health, not stress us out even more. Research shows that taking a vacation/break can have positive effects such as improved life satisfaction, improvements in physical health, mental health benefits, and improved productivity. The family unit as a whole also benefits from the bonding experience and mutual memories of a vacation.

So, how do we effectively balance the freedom and chaos it can cause?

A Less Stress Summer

There are a lot of different expectations for summer. Whether your idea of summer is staying at home, or jet setting, you can still take action to make the most of it. Below are some key tips that can help you and your family have a fun and relaxed summer and take advantage of the freedom summer offers and keep stress at bay.

  1. Create a summer routine:

The lack of a school routine does not have to cause a summer of boredom and stress. A summer routine can consist of more lax and room for spontaneity, but still offer some structure. Whether it is summer camp, daily walks or a weekly event or activity, finding a way to incorporate routine during the summer will be beneficial for the whole family. Even sticking to a bedtime routine can help make the summer more restful for adults and kids alike.

  1. Staycations vs. Vacations:

Fun times and trips do not have to be expensive. Planning a vacation can be a stressful and expensive task. Consider staying local on a staycation or consider flexibility with planning your flights with a low-fare calendar, and looking up free activities in your area or destination to help combat the cost a vacation can carry.

  1. Spend time outdoors:

You don’t have to seek out the tropics for an excuse to spend time outside. Take advantage of the warm summer months and get outside. Scientists have long studied the benefits of nature, including: improved cognitive processing, attention, memory, all of which are linked to stress reduction. Head over to the community pool, plan a water balloon fight, or make the most of your mornings and evenings are just some ways you can beat the heat of the day!

  1. The “Free” in Summer Freedom:

As we mentioned before, the summer months tend to be packed with outdoor/indoor events, activities, festivals, etc. Especially in a vibrant city like Chicago, there is something to do almost every day, for almost every budget. There are so many different options, from crafts, concerts, fairs, events and more, many of which are free admission.

No Summertime Sadness Here!

Summertime can be a great time for family bonding, de-stressing, and taking a much needed mental health break. Though it is important to practice self-care as individuals, spending time as a family can also have positive lasting benefits. Studies show that family vacations and making childhood memories offer lifelong protective factors, such as increased resilience in times of crisis.

For many families, summer really is a double-edged sword of freedom and stress. However, with planning, creativity, taking advantage of local happenings and sticking to a routine, you may find you will have less stress and more fun in the sun. For more information on managing stress within the family, click the link to see how we can help.

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